Join Our Cause
HOPEFUL ACRES invites you to become a volunteer. Together, we will be able to provide assistance to special needs children and adults and veterans including their families. Reach out to our non-profit organization in the greater San Antonio, Texas area to find out how. We look forward to working with you.
Open Volunteer Positions
Horse Leader
Leads the horse and keeps a safe pace for both the rider and side walkers. |
Side WalkerWalks alongside the horse and assists the rider to maintain their balance. |
Stable HandCleans stables, brush horses, maintain riding equipment, and keep tack room organized. Administrative SupportGrant writing, fundraising, social media, etc. |
Ranch HandGrounds maintenance, fence maintenance, area beautifications, etc. Hospitality SpecialistEntertains children/adults during idle time, leads arts & crafts projects, etc. |